Trials will, indeed, come. If you look around, you’ll see they’ve already come. They are everywhere if you choose to see them.

What do I mean by that? Well, most of our trials, I believe, are created by our reactions to what people say or do or the situation we find ourselves in. We get angry or frustrated because things don’t go our way and we then feel we are afflicted. Sometimes, we go out of our way to let the whole world know how hard our lot is.

Of course, there are things that happen to us that are unexpected and for which we did not ask. I’m not suggesting for a moment that we do not suffer real trials because we do. What I am saying is that we make trials out of things that simply are not.

For trials both real and self-created, there is an answer. Love one another. Bear each other’s burdens. Mourn with those that mourn. Lift up the heavy arms.

I didn’t make these up. Jesus said them and He never said anything that wasn’t for our good. He asked us to care for the least among us and, sometimes, the least among us is us. When you feel that way, remember He loves you. Don’t feel sorry for yourself and make it into a trial or affliction; you might not let it go and it will get worse. Instead, ask God to lighten your load and, if you do it with sincerity and humility, it will come to pass. Then, if not before, go and help someone out especially someone who least expects it.

Trials will come. Then they go.

I love you.

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